Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Essential for the Athlete

Most every successful athlete I have known has kept detailed training records. Why do you think that is? I think one reason is it seems to hold you accountable. If you know you are going to write everything down you will be less likely to skip a workout or slack off.
A training log helps you keep up with your progress and can play a huge role in keeping you motivated. Thirdly and maybe most important, you can track what has worked and what hasn’t. This gives you an excellent tool to use as you construct your future training plans.

How do you go about recording your training records?
Most people will not remember workout details a day or two later so I would advise you to record information in your log during your training session or as soon as possible after a workout. Obviously your log needs to be portable. Records can be kept in a notebook. Some folks will even use their blackberry / phone or some other technical device.  Many athletes will transfer information from paper to an Excel or Word document on a computer later. I have noticed many people are recording their workouts on message boards, blogs, Twitter and FaceBook. It’s up to you to decide what is convenient for you.

What should you record in your training log? Well, you certainly should record the basics such as exercise, duration, repetitions, distance, and so on depending on your training.

Listed below are a few suggestions:

  1. Date and Time you start the workout.
  2. Where your work out takes place.
  3. Training Partners
  4. Exercises
  5. Order of Exercises
  6. Sets and Repetitions
  7. Weight or (Distance if you are running/walking/throwing/swimming etc.)
  8. Rest time between sets and repetitions
  9. Length of workout. (start time and finish time)
  10. Mood, Energy Level, etc.
  11. How much sleep you had the night before.
  12. Daily Food Intake / Supplements
  13. Bodyweight (before and after workout)
  14. Body measurements (periodically)
  15. Comments and/or Notes

How detailed you get with a log is up to you although I would recommend more detail than less. It is also critical that you be very accurate with your records. Your log should reveal information pertaining to your goals. Remember this information will be critical to your future training plans and ultimately your future accomplishments.

Lastly, a training log is worthless if you do not study what you have recorded and apply that knowledge in the future!

Keith Payne

1 comment:

  1. Great article!
    Record keeping is very important and I think a lot of people record their training out of habit and never really use the information that has been compiled. Making use of the info is as important, if not more so, than recording it.
